ÖSD Examination Dates and Fees

Check out our ÖSD German Examination Dates and registration deadlines for Levels A1 to B2.

All exams can be taken as complete or single modules in our designated examination rooms.

Overview 2024

ZA1 / ÖSD Zertifikat A1 

Exam date:

July 12/13, 2o24

Register until: June 12, 2o24

Next Exam date:

September 13/14, 2024

Register until: Aug. 13, 2024

A1 Examination Fee (internal*)

PHP 9,600.00 / EUR 160.00

A1 Examination Fee (external*)

PHP 10,500.00 / EUR 175.00

ZA2 / ÖSD Zertifikat A2 

Exam date:

August 9/10, 2024

Register until: July 9, 2024

Next Exam date:

October 11/12, 2024

Register until: Sept. 11, 2024

A2 Examination Fee (internal*)

PHP 10,800.00 / EUR 180.00

A2 Examination Fee (external*)

PHP 11,700.00 / EUR 195.00

ZB1 / ÖSD Zertifikat B1

Exam date:

July 12/13, 2024

Register until: June 12, 2024

Next Exam date: 

September 13/14, 2024

Register until: Aug. 13, 2024

B1 Examination Fee (internal*)

PHP 12,600.00 / EUR 210.00

B1 Examination Fee (external*)

PHP 13,500.00 / EUR 225.00

ZB2 / ÖSD Zertifikat B2

Exam date:

August 9/10, 2024

Register until: July 9, 2024

Next Exam date:

October 11/12, 2024

Register until: Sept. 11, 2024

B2 Examination Fee (internal*)

PHP 13,200.00 / EUR 220.00

B2 Examination Fee (external*)

PHP 14,100.00 / EUR 235.00

Examination Fees (Terms):

*Internal: For persons who are attending or have attended an intensive course at My Language Café within the last 6 months

*External: For persons who like to register for the exam only.

(transfer costs and loss of bill of exchange to be borne by remitter) 

Modules only

Each exam consists of four modules: Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking.

For A1, A2, and B2, you may choose to take or retake either the written or oral exam only:

For B1, all four modules can be taken and certified individually or taken in combination with one another.

ÖSD ZA1 - oral exam

PHP 3,300.00 / EUR 55.00

ÖSD ZA1 - written exam

PHP 7,200.00 / EUR 120.00

ÖSD ZA2 - oral exam

PHP 3,300.00 / EUR 55.00

ÖSD ZA2 - written exam

PHP 8,400.00 / EUR 140.00

ÖSD ZB1 - speaking module 

PHP 3,600.00 / EUR 60.00

ÖSD ZB1 - reading module 

PHP 2,880.00 / EUR 48.00

ÖSD ZB1 - listening module 

PHP 2,880.00 / EUR 48.00

ÖSD ZB1 - writing module 

PHP 4,140.00 / EUR 69.00

ÖSD ZB2 - oral exam

PHP 3,900.00 / EUR 65.00

ÖSD ZB2 - written exam

PHP 10,200.00 / EUR 170.00

Review and Exam Bundles

Get the best tips and practice for your exam by joining our exam preparation classes prior to your exam date. Even if you have studied A1 or B2 somewhere else, you may avail of the following packages:

A1 Review + exam BUNDLE

🏷️ A1 exam review (1 week) + ÖSD A1 exam = 13,100 PHP

B2 Review + exam BUNDLE

🏷️ B2 exam review (2 weeks) + ÖSD B2 exam = 20,200 PHP